"The WPPC is a wealth of practical knowledge and hands-on support of native vegetation and gardening using native species."
"The WPPC is a wealth of practical knowledge and hands-on support of native vegetation and gardening using native species."
"WPPC does a first rate job of keeping our region informed about the importance of using native plants to sustain our local ecosystems and biodiversity. Their outstanding plant sale provides the opportunity to buy native plants for a diversity of habitats. The plants provided are healthy and appropriate for our local plant communities".
"WPPC is a wonderful group of dedicated gardeners with a common goal of planting native species of flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. They are dedicated to teaching new members how to plan, plant and design gardens for the purpose of providing food/nectar for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and aiding survival of monarch butterflies."
"Native landscape resources, support and community"
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