Chris and Paul welcome you to our 5 acre plot to walk among the spring wildflowers, which include a variety of Trilliums, Bellwort, 3 kinds of Anemone, Solomons Seal, Miterwort, Foamflower, Wild Geranium, 3 kinds of orchids, ferns and sedges . We have been trying to transform our place from an alfalfa field into a natural forest on one side of the house and a prairie on the other side since the 1980’s. Mistakes have been made and will be discussed! One of our achieved goals is to have drifts of various favorite plants. Hopefully our Lady’s Slipper orchids will be blooming, and we can explain how to grow them successfully. We have been successful plant propagators and we can show you how to spread your plants to other areas of your yard. Masks and social distancing required.
Directions: Going north from Woodstock on Rt.47, turn left (west) on Charles Rd. which turns into Alden Rd., left (west) on Altenberg Rd., right (north) on Shields Rd. for 1/4mi.
7405 Shields Rd. Our driveway is narrow, so please park on the side of Shields road.
Note: This is a new location! The walk originally scheduled for May 16 at the Sullivan-Schroyer property has been cancelled. The Rechten’s have generously offered four walk times over two days.