Do you know someone who is interested in native plant gardening? Do you know someone who wants to attract bees and butterflies and birds to their yard? Maybe it is YOU! Maybe you’re not sure where to start. Well look at this!
Two members of the Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee of McHenry County (WPPC) are presenting a virtual evening program titled “Native Landscaping For Your Home” on March 30, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. Both members are experienced native plant gardeners and long-term WPPC mentors. The program is sponsored by the McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD). Registration and information about the program is available on the MCCD website. The program number is 6930. An account with MCCD will be needed to register, but can easily be set up at the time of registration.
The program is free for McHenry County residents and only $5 for non-residents. While it is cold and snowy outside, take in this program showcasing beautiful native plant gardens that have been planted in our county and describing how you can bring native plants into your home landscape.